Cllr Cynthia Easeman- Internal Auditor
My husband Bob (a retired OLM, non stipendary) in the Church of England and I came to live in my parents house after they were killed in a RTA.
We have been here nearly 26 years and love the area.
I brought with me my accountancy business, my certificate in adult education (craft) and so after a few years took over the shop by the library and bus station, both as an Accounts Office and a Craft Shop.
I have my second guide dog Gem, a Golden Retriever, a gentle dog who loves everybody, she is much loved at Council meetings and has her own bowl of water.
My previous dog was a black cross Labrador/Retriever who is retired with a friend in Cambridge and now 13 years old.
I am interested in all issues of council activities, planning, the neighbourhood plan, youth needs, environment and highways and byways.
Recently conducting a survey with fellow councillors on possible hazards in the Town Centre which may affect disabled safety, be it because of sight loss or need to use mobility aids
My aim is to make the town attractive and safe for all residents and visitors, to promote and assist businesses to thrive, knowing what it's like on a wet, windy, winters day to have no customers at all! (That's the day to catch up on your accounts!)
- Address
- 5 Lighthouse Close
PE36 6EL - Telephone
- 01485 535258
- cllr.easeman@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk
Cllr Easemen Declaration Of Interests (PDF, 3.9 Mb)